dooley jenny эванс вирджиния upstream pre intermediate b1 teacher s book книга для учителя к рабочей тетради

Dooley Jenny, Эванс Вирджиния Upstream Pre-Intermediate B1. Teacher's Book. Книга для учителя к рабочей тетради

Dooley Jenny, Эванс Вирджиния Upstream Pre-Intermediate B1. Teacher's Book. Книга для учителя к рабочей тетради


"Upstream: Pre-lntermediate B1" is a modular secondary-level course for learners of the English language at CEF B1 level. The series combines active English learning with a variety of lively topics presented in themed units. Key features: theme-based units from a wide variety of authentic sources in five modules, a variety of cross-cultural topics, systematic development of all four language skills through realistic challenging tasks which encourage the learner's personal engagement, lexical exercises practising and activating all essential vocabulary including collocations, idioms, phrasal verbs, fixed phrases and word formation, a varied range of reading texts from authentic contemporary sources, with exercises which encourage learners to read extensively as well as intensively, stimulating reading and listening tasks, a wide range of speaking activities, writing analysis and practice on all types of writing with full models, Self-Assessment sections at the end of each module, grammar sections covering all major grammatical areas and more advanced grammar points plus a Grammar Reference Section, songs.

907 Р.

Upstream Elementary A2 Class Audio CDs (set of 3)

Upstream Elementary A2 Class Audio CDs (set of 3)

Бренд: Express Publishing

Уровень: Beginner A1+ to Intermediate B1+ Upstream (Beginner to Level B1+) предназначен для студентов, изучающих английский язык с нуля до среднего уровня. Каждый уровень УМК состоит из пяти модулей и обеспечивает систематическое развитие всех четырех языковых навыков – аудирование, говорение, чтение и письмо. Учебник и Рабочая тетрадь покрывают 60 – 80 часов аудиторной работы. Рабочая тетрадь содержит лексику, грамматику, задания на аудирование и письмо, разделы с различными логическими задачами, мотивирующими ученика к изучению английского языка, и скрипты к заданиям на прослушивание. Книга для учителя включает в себя пошаговые конспекты лекций, дополнительные идеи, задания для внеклассных занятий и ключи к учебнику. The Test Booklets предоставляет возможность учителю оценить уровень усвояемости пройденного материала, а также проверить в середине года прогресс учащихся в процессе обучения. Основные характеристики учебника: тематические разделы составлены из различных тем; представлены кросскультурные и межкультурные темы; имеются логические задачи, заключающие в себе всю необходимую лексику, словосочетания, встречающиеся в повседневной разговорной речи, фразовые глаголы и словообразование. грамматические разделы охватывают все основные области грамматики и раздел Grammar Reference; анализ состава практической части курса по всем видам письма с практическими моделями разговорной деятельности. компоненты A1+ B1 Upstream Beginner A1+. Student's Book. Учебник Upstream Pre-Intermediate B1. Student's Book. Учебник Upstream Beginner A1+. Workbook. Рабочая тетрадь Upstream Pre-Intermediate B1. Workbook. Рабочая тетрадь Upstream Beginner A1+. Workbook Key. Ответы к рабочей тетради Upstream Pre-Intermediate B1. Workbook Key. Ответы к рабочей тетради. Upstream Beginner A1+. Class Audio CDs. (set of 3). Аудио CD для работы в классе Upstream Pre-Intermediate B1. Class Audio CDs. (set of 4). CD для работы в классе Upstream Beginner A1+. Student's Audio CD. Аудио CD для работы дома Upstream Pre-Intermediate B1. Student's Audio CD. Аудио CD для работы дома Upstream Beginner A1+. Teacher's Book. Книга для учителя Upstream Pre-Intermediate B1. Teacher's Book. (interleaved). Книга для учителя Upstream Beginner A1+. Workbook. (Teacher's). КДУ к рабочей тетради Upstream Pre-Intermediate B1. Workbook. (Teacher's). КДУ к рабочей тетради. Upstream Beginner A1+. Test Booklet. Сборник тестовых заданий и упражнений Upstream Pre-Intermediate B1. Test Booklet. Сборник тестовых заданий и упражнений. Upstream Beginner A1+. Test Booklet CD-ROM. CD-ROM к сборнику тест. зад. и упр. Upstream Pre-Intermediate B1. Test Booklet CD-ROM. CD-ROM к сборнику тест. зад. и упр. Upstream Beginner A1+. My Language Portfolio. Языковой портфель Upstream Pre-Intermediate B1. My Language Portfolio. Языковой портфель Upstream Beginner A1+. DVD Activity Book. Рабочая тетрадь к DVD. Upstream Pre-Intermediate B1. DVD Activity Book. Рабочая тетрадь к DVD. Upstream Beginner A1+. DVD Video. PAL. DVD видео Upstream Pre-Intermediate B1. DVD Video. PAL. DVD видео Upstream Beginner A1+. Interactive Whiteboard Software. Комп. прогр. для интерак. доски Upstream Pre-Intermediate B1. Interactive Whiteboard Software. Комп. прогр. для интерак. доски. А2 B1+ Upstream Elementary A2. Student's Book. Учебник Upstream Level B1+. Student's Book. Учебник Upstream Elementary A2. Workbook. Рабочая тетрадь Upstream Level B1+. Workbook. Рабочая тетрадь Upstream Elementary A2. Workbook Key. Ответы к рабочей тетради Upstream Level B1+. Class Audio CDs. (set of 3). Аудио CD для работы в классе Upstream Elementary A2. Class Audio CDs. (set of 3). Аудио CD для работы в классе Upstream Level B1+. Student's Audio CD. Аудио CD для работы дома Upstream Elementary A2. Student's Audio CD. Аудио CD для работы дома Upstream Level B1+. Teacher's Book. Книга для учителя Upstream Elementary A2. Teacher's Book. Книга для учителя Upstream Level B1+. Workbook. (Teacher's). КДУ к рабочей тетради Upstream Elementary A2. Workbook. (Teacher's). КДУ к рабочей тетради Upstream Level B1+. Test Booklet CD-ROM. Диск CD-ROM к сборнику тестов Upstream Elementary A2. Test Booklet. Сборник тестовых заданий и упражнений Upstream Level B1+. My Language Portfolio. Языковой портфель Upstream Elementary A2. Test Booklet CD-ROM. CD-ROM к сборнику тест. зад. и упр. Upstream Level B1+. DVD Activity Book. Рабочая тетрадь к DVD. Upstream Elementary A2. My Language Portfolio. Языковой портфель Upstream Level B1+. DVD Video. PAL. DVD видео Upstream Elementary A2. DVD Activity Book. Рабочая тетрадь к DVD. Upstream Level B1+. Interactive Whiteboard Software. Комп. прогр. для интерак. доски. Upstream Elementary A2. DVD Video. PAL. DVD видео Upstream Elementary A2. Interactive Whiteboard Software. Комп. прогр. для интерак. доски

1416 Р.

Эванс Вирджиния, Дули Дженни Upstream Pre-Intermediate B1.Workbook Key. Ответы к рабочей тетради

Эванс Вирджиния, Дули Дженни Upstream Pre-Intermediate B1.Workbook Key. Ответы к рабочей тетради


"Upstream: Pre-lntermediate B1" is a modular secondary-level course for learners of the English language at CEF B1 level. The series combines active English learning with a variety of lively topics presented in themed units. Key features: theme-based units from a wide variety of authentic sources in five modules, a variety of cross-cultural topics, systematic development of all four language skills through realistic challenging tasks which encourage the learner's personal engagement, lexical exercises practising and activating all essential vocabulary including collocations, idioms, phrasal verbs, fixed phrases and word formation, a varied range of reading texts from authentic contemporary sources, with exercises which encourage learners to read extensively as well as intensively, stimulating reading and listening tasks, a wide range of speaking activities, writing analysis and practice on all types of writing with full models, Self-Assessment sections at the end of each module, grammar sections covering all major grammatical areas and more advanced grammar points plus a Grammar Reference Section, songs.

291 Р.

Evans V., Dooley J. Upstream. Intermediate B2. Workbook. Teacher`s Book. КДУ к рабочей тетради

Evans V., Dooley J. Upstream. Intermediate B2. Workbook. Teacher`s Book. КДУ к рабочей тетради


Upstream (Intermediate to Proficiency Level) предназначен для студентов, изучающих английский язык со среднего уровня до носителя языка.Каждый уровень УМК состоит из пяти модулей и обеспечивает систематическое развитие всех четырех языковых навыков – аудирование, говорение, чтение и письмо.

1387 Р.

Evans V., Dooley J. Upstream. Intermediate B2. Workbook. Teacher`s Book. КДУ к рабочей тетради

Evans V., Dooley J. Upstream. Intermediate B2. Workbook. Teacher`s Book. КДУ к рабочей тетради


Upstream (Intermediate to Proficiency Level) предназначен для студентов, изучающих английский язык со среднего уровня до носителя языка.Каждый уровень УМК состоит из пяти модулей и обеспечивает систематическое развитие всех четырех языковых навыков – аудирование, говорение, чтение и письмо.

1387 Р.

Dooley J., Evans V. Upstream B1+. Intermediate. Teacher s Book

Dooley J., Evans V. Upstream B1+. Intermediate. Teacher s Book


"Upstream Level B1+" is a modular secondary-level course for learners of the English language at CEF B1 + level. The series combines active English learning with a variety of lively topics presented in themed units.

2022 Р.

Dooley J., Evans V. Upstream B1+. Intermediate. Teacher s Book

Dooley J., Evans V. Upstream B1+. Intermediate. Teacher s Book


"Upstream Level B1+" is a modular secondary-level course for learners of the English language at CEF B1 + level. The series combines active English learning with a variety of lively topics presented in themed units.

2022 Р.

Эванс Вирджиния, Дули Дженни Upstream Beginner A1+. Workbook. Teacher's Book. Книга для учителя к рабочей тетради

Эванс Вирджиния, Дули Дженни Upstream Beginner A1+. Workbook. Teacher's Book. Книга для учителя к рабочей тетради


"Upstream: Beginner A1+" is a modular secondary-level course for learners of the English language at CEF A1 level. The series combines active English learning with a variety of lively topics presented in themed units. Key features: theme-based units from a wide variety of authentic sources in five modules, a variety of cross-cultural topics, systematic development of all four language skills through realistic, challenging tasks which encourage the learner's personal engagement, lexical exercises practising and activating all essential vocabulary as well as a Word Perfect section, a variety of authentic stimulating reading and listening tasks a wide range of speaking activities, realistic, stimulating dialogues featuring people in everyday situations, grammar sections covering all major grammatical areas plus Grammar Reference and a Grammar Check section, composition analysis and practice in various types of writing with full models, study skills tips Everyday English sections Cultural, Curricular and Literature sections songs, games and prompt cards.

815 Р.

Эванс Вирджиния, Дули Дженни Upstream. Elementary A2. Workbook. Teacher's Book. Книга для учителя к рабочей тетради

Эванс Вирджиния, Дули Дженни Upstream. Elementary A2. Workbook. Teacher's Book. Книга для учителя к рабочей тетради


Upstream Elementary A2 - вторая ступень курса английского языка для школьников и студентов. Способствует подготовке к международным экзаменам соответствующего уровня CEF A2 level.

667 Р.

Эванс Вирджиния Upstream: Advanced: Teacher`s Book

Эванс Вирджиния Upstream: Advanced: Teacher`s Book


Upstream Advanced C1 is a modular secondary-level course for learners of the English language at advanced level. The series combines active English learning with a variety of lively topics presented in themed units....

2386 Р.

Evans V., Dooley J. Upstream B1+ Intermediate. Workbook. Teacher s Book

Evans V., Dooley J. Upstream B1+ Intermediate. Workbook. Teacher s Book


"Upstream: Level B1+" is a modular secondary-level course for learners of the English language at CEF B1+ level. The series combines active English learning with a variety of lively topics presented in themed units. Key features: theme-based units, from a wide variety of authentic sources, in five modules, a variety of cross-cultural topics, systematic development of all four language skills through realistic, challenging tasks which encourage the learners personal engagement, lexical exercises practising and activating all essential vocabulary, a variety of authentic, stimulating reading and listening tasks, a wide range of speaking activities, realistic, stimulating dialogues featuring people in everyday situations, grammar sections covering all major grammatical areas, plus Grammar Reference section, composition analysis and practice in various types of writing, with full models, Study Skills tips promoting student autonomy and independence Everyday English sections, Cultural, Curricular, Eco-friends and Literature sections, songs, games and pairwork activities. . .

864 Р.

Evans V., Dooley J. Upstream B1+ Intermediate. Workbook. Teacher s Book

Evans V., Dooley J. Upstream B1+ Intermediate. Workbook. Teacher s Book


"Upstream: Level B1+" is a modular secondary-level course for learners of the English language at CEF B1+ level. The series combines active English learning with a variety of lively topics presented in themed units. Key features: theme-based units, from a wide variety of authentic sources, in five modules, a variety of cross-cultural topics, systematic development of all four language skills through realistic, challenging tasks which encourage the learners personal engagement, lexical exercises practising and activating all essential vocabulary, a variety of authentic, stimulating reading and listening tasks, a wide range of speaking activities, realistic, stimulating dialogues featuring people in everyday situations, grammar sections covering all major grammatical areas, plus Grammar Reference section, composition analysis and practice in various types of writing, with full models, Study Skills tips promoting student autonomy and independence Everyday English sections, Cultural, Curricular, Eco-friends and Literature sections, songs, games and pairwork activities. . .

864 Р.

Evans Virginia, Дули Дженни Upstream Pre-Intermediate B1. Student's CD (CD)

Evans Virginia, Дули Дженни Upstream Pre-Intermediate B1. Student's CD (CD)


Аудиоприложение к учебному курсу Upstream Pre-Intermediate B1 для работы дома.

679 Р.

Evans V., Dooley J. Enterprise 3. Teacher s Book. Pre-Intermediate. Книга для учителя

Evans V., Dooley J. Enterprise 3. Teacher s Book. Pre-Intermediate. Книга для учителя


"Enterprise 3 Pre-lntermediate" is a communicative course, specially designed to motivate and involve students in effective learning. .The course consists of four modules. Modules 1 to 3 consists of six units. Module 4 consists of four units. The course provides systematic preparation for all the skills required for successful communication both in written and spoken form. Each unit, along with its corresponding unit in the Workbook, is designed to be taught in about three teaching hours. .The Teacher's Book contains: .•answers to the exercises in the coursebook, supported by teaching notes and optional oral or written activities. The teaching notes provide guidance on how to deal with the material as it appears in each unit in the Student's Book. The objectives of each unit precede the relevant material in the Teacher's Book. .•four tests of two versions each with answer sheets (to be used by students to fill in their answers) as well as the answers to each test and a marking scheme. The tests help teachers check vocabulary and structures presented in the course. Each test is to be given after students have done the relevant revision units in their books. .•tapescripts of the recorded material. .•answers to the exercises in the Workbook.

956 Р.

Evans V., Dooley J. Enterprise 3. Teacher s Book. Pre-Intermediate. Книга для учителя

Evans V., Dooley J. Enterprise 3. Teacher s Book. Pre-Intermediate. Книга для учителя


"Enterprise 3 Pre-lntermediate" is a communicative course, specially designed to motivate and involve students in effective learning. .The course consists of four modules. Modules 1 to 3 consists of six units. Module 4 consists of four units. The course provides systematic preparation for all the skills required for successful communication both in written and spoken form. Each unit, along with its corresponding unit in the Workbook, is designed to be taught in about three teaching hours. .The Teacher's Book contains: .•answers to the exercises in the coursebook, supported by teaching notes and optional oral or written activities. The teaching notes provide guidance on how to deal with the material as it appears in each unit in the Student's Book. The objectives of each unit precede the relevant material in the Teacher's Book. .•four tests of two versions each with answer sheets (to be used by students to fill in their answers) as well as the answers to each test and a marking scheme. The tests help teachers check vocabulary and structures presented in the course. Each test is to be given after students have done the relevant revision units in their books. .•tapescripts of the recorded material. .•answers to the exercises in the Workbook.

956 Р.

Evans Virginia, Дули Дженни Upstream Pre-Intermediate B1. My Language Portfolio

Evans Virginia, Дули Дженни Upstream Pre-Intermediate B1. My Language Portfolio


Upstream Pre-Intermediate B1. My Language Portfolio.

454 Р.

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