helmut newton legacy

Helmut Newton. Helmut Newton. Legacy

Helmut Newton. Helmut Newton. Legacy

Бренд: Республика

Плодотворная работа Хельмута Ньютона. Практически беспрецедентные по масштабу и охватывающие более пяти десятилетий фотографии дальновидного Хельмута Ньютона (1920–2004) достигли миллионов благодаря публикациям в таких журналах, как Vogue и Elle. Его творчество выходит за рамки жанров, привнося элегантность, стиль и вуайеризм в фэшн, портретную и гламурную фотографию посредством множества работ, которые остаются столь же неповторимыми, сколь и непревзойденными. Овладев искусством фэшн-фотографии в начале своей карьеры, Ньютон неизменно выходил за рамки стандартной практики, стирая границы между реальностью и иллюзией. Ясная эстетика Ньютона пронизывает все области его творчества, особенно моду, портретную живопись и фотографию обнаженной натуры. Женщины занимают центральное место — с такими персонажами, как Катрин Денев, Лиз Тейлор и Шарлотта Рэмплинг. Выходя за рамки традиционных подходов к повествованию, фэшн-фотография Ньютона пропитана не только роскошной элегантностью и тонкой соблазнительностью, но также культурными отсылками и удивительным чувством юмора. В течение 1990-х Ньютон снимал для немецкого, американского, итальянского, французского и русского изданий Vogue, в основном в Монте-Карло и его окрестностях, где он жил с 1981 года. Превращая такие места, как его собственный гараж, в резко контрастирующие или особенно минималистичные театральные сцены, Ньютон часто изображал эксцентричную жизнь красивых и богатых, полных эротики и элегантности, в нетрадиционных сценариях. Он использовал и одновременно подвергал сомнению визуальные клише, иногда с оттенком самоиронии или насмешки, но всегда полный сочувствия. Наследие, которое сопровождает международный выставочный тур работ Ньютона, демонстрирует основные моменты одного из самых публикуемых произведений в области фотографии, в том числе многочисленные вновь открытые изображения. Плодовитый создатель изображений и настоящий провидец, эта книга прославляет непреходящее влияние Ньютона на современную фотографию и изобразительное искусство по сей день.Helmut Newton’s prolific body of work. Virtually unparalleled in scope and spanning more than five decades, the photography of visionary Helmut Newton (1920–2004) reached millions through publication in magazines like Vogue and Elle. His oeuvre transcended genres, bringing elegance, style, and voyeurism to fashion, portrait, and glamour photography through a body of work that remains as inimitable as it is unrivaled. Having mastered the art of fashion photography early in his career, Newton’s shoots invariably went beyond standard practice, blurring the lines between reality and illusion. Newton’s clear aesthetic pervades all areas of his work, particularly fashion, portraiture, and nude photography. Women take center stage – with subjects such as Catherine Deneuve, Liz Taylor, and Charlotte Rampling. Moving beyond traditional narrative approaches, Newton’s fashion photography is imbued not only with luxurious elegance and subtle seduction,...

11400 Р.

Helmut Newton. Legacy

Helmut Newton. Legacy


Virtually unparalleled in scope and spanning more than five decades, the photography of visionary Helmut Newton (1920-2004) reached millions through publication in magazines like Vogue and Elle. His oeuvre transcended genres, bringing elegance, style, and voyeurism to fashion, portrait, and glamour photography through a body of work that remains as inimitable as it is unrivaled. Having mastered the art of fashion photography early in his career, Newton's shoots invariably went beyond standard practice, blurring the lines between reality and illusion. Newton's clear aesthetic pervades all areas of his work, particularly fashion, portraiture, and nude photography. Women take center stage - with subjects such as Catherine Deneuve, Liz Taylor, and Charlotte Rampling. Moving beyond traditional narrative approaches, Newton's fashion photography is imbued not only with luxurious elegance and subtle seduction, but also cultural references and a surprising sense of humor.During the 1990s, Newton shot for the German, American, Italian, French, and Russian editions of Vogue, primarily in and around Monte Carlo where he was living from 1981 onwards. Transforming locations like his own garage into starkly contrasting or particularly minimalist theatrical stages, Newton would often portray the eccentric lives of the beautiful and rich, full of eroticism and elegance, in unconventional scenarios. He made use of and simultaneously questioned visual cliches, at times tinged with self-irony or mockery, but always full of empathy.Helmut Newton. Legacy, which accompanies an international exhibition tour of Newton's work, showcases highlights from one of the most published bodies of work in photography, including numerous rediscovered images. A prolific image maker and genuine visionary, this book celebrates Newton's lasting influence on modern photography and visual art to this day.

10706 Р.

Helmut Newton. Legacy

Helmut Newton. Legacy


Virtually unparalleled in scope and spanning more than five decades, the photography of visionary Helmut Newton (1920-2004) reached millions through publication in magazines like Vogue and Elle. His oeuvre transcended genres, bringing elegance, style, and voyeurism to fashion, portrait, and glamour photography through a body of work that remains as inimitable as it is unrivaled. Having mastered the art of fashion photography early in his career, Newton's shoots invariably went beyond standard practice, blurring the lines between reality and illusion. Newton's clear aesthetic pervades all areas of his work, particularly fashion, portraiture, and nude photography. Women take center stage - with subjects such as Catherine Deneuve, Liz Taylor, and Charlotte Rampling. Moving beyond traditional narrative approaches, Newton's fashion photography is imbued not only with luxurious elegance and subtle seduction, but also cultural references and a surprising sense of humor.During the 1990s, Newton shot for the German, American, Italian, French, and Russian editions of Vogue, primarily in and around Monte Carlo where he was living from 1981 onwards. Transforming locations like his own garage into starkly contrasting or particularly minimalist theatrical stages, Newton would often portray the eccentric lives of the beautiful and rich, full of eroticism and elegance, in unconventional scenarios. He made use of and simultaneously questioned visual cliches, at times tinged with self-irony or mockery, but always full of empathy.Helmut Newton. Legacy, which accompanies an international exhibition tour of Newton's work, showcases highlights from one of the most published bodies of work in photography, including numerous rediscovered images. A prolific image maker and genuine visionary, this book celebrates Newton's lasting influence on modern photography and visual art to this day.

10706 Р.

Helmut Newton. Work

Helmut Newton. Work


Helmut Newton (1920–2004) is remembered as one of the most prolific photographers of the 20th century, channeling the sensuality and erotic power of his subjects with panache, precision, and impact. His aesthetic was uniquely his, while at the same time establishing a new way of photographing fashion and glamour. Joining TASCHEN’s illustrious collection of Helmut Newton titles, including Helmut Newton: Polaroids, Pages from the Glossies, and the spectacular Helmut Newton: SUMO, this fresh edition of Helmut Newton: Work spans an impressive stretch of Newton’s career, including some of his most striking shots from the ’60s through to his golden heyday. From shadowy street to hotel boudoir, it’s a collection that showcases Newton’s suggestive storytelling throughout his fashion, editorial, or personal pictures.

5072 Р.

Harder Matthias, Garner Philippe Helmut Newton. Legacy

Harder Matthias, Garner Philippe Helmut Newton. Legacy


Helmut Newton’s prolific body of work Virtually unparalleled in scope and spanning more than five decades, the photography of visionary Helmut Newton (1920–2004) reached millions through publication in magazines like Vogue and Elle. His oeuvre transcended genres, bringing elegance, style, and voyeurism to fashion, portrait, and glamour photography through a body of work that remains as inimitable as it is unrivaled. Having mastered the art of fashion photography early in his career, Newton’s shoots invariably went beyond standard practice, blurring the lines between reality and illusion. Newton’s clear aesthetic pervades all areas of his work, particularly fashion, portraiture, and nude photography. Women take center stage – with subjects such as Catherine Deneuve, Liz Taylor, and Charlotte Rampling. Moving beyond traditional narrative approaches, Newton’s fashion photography is imbued not only with luxurious elegance and subtle seduction, but also cultural references and a surprising sense of humor. During the 1990s, Newton shot for the German, American, Italian, French, and Russian editions of Vogue, primarily in and around Monte Carlo where he was living from 1981 onwards. Transforming locations like his own garage into starkly contrasting or particularly minimalist theatrical stages, Newton would often portray the eccentric lives of the beautiful and rich, full of eroticism and elegance, in unconventional scenarios. He made use of and simultaneously questioned visual cliches, at times tinged with self-irony or mockery, but always full of empathy. Helmut Newton. Legacy, which accompanies an international exhibition tour of Newton’s work, showcases highlights from one of the most published bodies of work in photography, including numerous rediscovered images. A prolific image maker and genuine visionary, this book celebrates Newton’s lasting influence on modern photography and visual art to this day.

19421 Р.

Ньютон Дж. Helmut Newton: A Gun for Hire

Ньютон Дж. Helmut Newton: A Gun for Hire


Helmut Newton did not distinguish compositionally or stylistically between his magazine work and assignments for commercial clients. He ironically referred to himself as “a gun for hire.” That was also the title of June Newton's legendary book about his commercial photography, which is now available in a new edition revised by the Helmut Newton Foundation.

6691 Р.

Ньютон Дж. Helmut Newton: A Gun for Hire

Ньютон Дж. Helmut Newton: A Gun for Hire


Helmut Newton did not distinguish compositionally or stylistically between his magazine work and assignments for commercial clients. He ironically referred to himself as “a gun for hire.” That was also the title of June Newton's legendary book about his commercial photography, which is now available in a new edition revised by the Helmut Newton Foundation.

6691 Р.

Helmut Newton. Helmut Newton. A Gun for Hire

Helmut Newton. Helmut Newton. A Gun for Hire

Бренд: Республика

Helmut Newton once said, "Some people's photography is an art. Mine is not. If they happen to be exhibited in a gallery or a museum, that's fine. But that's not why I do them. I'm a gun for hire." (Newsweek, 02/02/04) This prosaic proclamation from one of the 20th century's most celebrated photographers is not a little shocking, but nonetheless firmly positions Newton as the no-frills image-maker that he was. His work is so powerful, so striking, that it defies categorization. In refusing to call his work "art," Newton leaves us free to do so, and judging from the amount of museum and gallery shows that have featured his work, it is clear that the option has been widely exercised. This book brings together a selection of Newton's fashion catalog work from as early as 1962 through 2003 and his last editorial photographs for US and Italian Vogue - all work he made as a "gun for hire."

8500 Р.

Helmut Newton. Portraits

Helmut Newton. Portraits


Newton's collection of portraits from the worlds of film, fashion, politics and culture can be considered a pantheon of VIP's. But his work is a lot more besides. From his portraits, one can see that he would have most liked to be a Roman paparazzo - as he once admitted. Anyone who had a portrait made by him knew what the result would be, and by the 1980's there were absolutely no 'beautiful people' in this world who did not want to be photographed by him! In front of his camera, both men and women peeled off their covers - literally as well as figuratively. His brilliant staged creations celebrate the attractiveness and prominence of his models as well as their vanity and imperfections. Newton's top-quality work for major fashion journals and elitist art magazines is likewise first-class erotic art. This collection was first published by us in 1985.

9125 Р.

Helmut Newton. Sumo

Helmut Newton. Sumo


Helmut Newton (1920-2004) always showed a healthy disdain for the easy or predictable, so it's no surprise that the Sumo was an irresistible project. The idea of a book the size of a private exhibition, with spectacular images reproduced to state-of-the-art origination and printing standards, emerged from an open, experimental dialogue between photographer and publisher. With the Sumo weighing in-boxed and shrink-wrapped-at 35.4 kg (just under 80 pounds), Newton created a landmark book that stood head and shoulders above anything previously attempted, both in terms of conceptual extravagance and technical specifications. Published in an edition of 10,000 signed and numbered copies, the Sumo sold out soon after publication and quickly multiplied its value. It now features in numerous collections around the world, including New York's Museum of Modern Art. The legendary copy number one, signed by more than 100 of the book's featured celebrities, broke the record for the most expensive book published in the 20th century, sold at an auction in Berlin on April 6, 2000 for 620,000 German marks-about 317,000 euros. Now, this XL edition celebrates 20 years of Sumo, the result of a project conceived by Helmut Newton some years ago. Revised by his wife June, the volume gathers 464 images and a new booklet that takes us through the making-of this publishing venture-a spectacular tribute to the larger-than-life Helmut Newton, now in a friendly format.

27672 Р.

Helmut Newton (Sumo)

Helmut Newton (Sumo)


SUMO was a titanic book in every respect: a 480-page tribute to one of the 20th century's most influential, intriguing and controversial photographers, it broke records for weight, dimensions, and resale price. Helmut Newton (1920-2004) always demonstrated a healthy disdain for easy or predictable solutions. SUMO-a bold and unprecedented publishing venture-was an irresistible project. The idea of a spectacular compendium of images, a book with the dimensions of a private exhibition, reproduced to exceptional page size and to state-of-the-art origination and printing standards, emerged from an open, exploratory dialogue between photographer and publisher. With the physically commanding SUMO weighing in-boxed and shrink-wrapped-at 35.4 kilos, Newton created a landmark book that stood head and shoulders above anything previously attempted, both in terms of conceptual extravagance and technical specifications. Published in an edition of 10,000 signed and numbered copies, SUMO sold out soon after publication and quickly multiplied its value. This worldwide publishing sensation now features in numerous important collections around the world, including New York's Museum of Modern Art. Legendary SUMO copy number one, autographed by over 100 of the book's featured celebrities, also broke the record for the most expensive book published in the 20th century, selling at auction in Berlin on April 6, 2000 for 620,000 German Marks - approximately $430,000. SUMO established new standards for the art monograph genre, and secured a prominent place in photo-book history. This new edition is the fulfillment of an ambition conceived some years ago by Helmut Newton. He would surely be pleased that, a decade on from its first publication, SUMO-now in a format that allows for a more democratic distribution-will reach the widest possible audience. Издание на трех языках: английском, французском, немецком. Подставка для книги в комплекте.

11629 Р.

Polaroids, Helmut Newton

Polaroids, Helmut Newton


A collection of Helmut Newton's test Polaroids Polaroids occupy a special place in the hearts of many photo enthusiasts who remember a time when "instant photography" meant one-of-a-kind prints that developed within minutes of clicking the shutter. What was once a crucial tool for photographers to test their shots before shooting on film has now become obsolete in the face of digital photography. Luckily for us, legendary photographer Helmut Newton saved his test Polaroids, allowing a privileged and rare chance to see the tests from a selection of his greatest shoots over a period of decades, including many from the TASCHEN titles SUMO, A Gun for Hire, and Work. Selected by his widow, June Newton, from over 300 photos featured at the 2011 exhibition "Helmut Newton Polaroids" at the Museum fur Fotografie in Berlin, this collection captures the magic of Helmut Newton photo shoots as only Polaroids can. The artist: Helmut Newton (1920-2004) was one of the most influential photographers of all time. Born in Berlin, he arrived in Australia in 1940 and married June Brunell (a.k.a. Alice Springs) eight years later. He first achieved international fame in the 1970's while working principally for French Vogue, and his celebrity and influence grew over the decades. Newton preferred to shoot in streets or interiors, rather than studios. Controversial scenarios, bold lighting, and striking compositions came to form his signature look. In 1990 he was awarded the Grand Prix national de la photographie; in 1992 the German government awarded him Das Grosse Verdienstkreuz for services to German culture, and he was appointed Officier des Arts, Lettres et Sciences by S.A.S. Princess Caroline of Monaco. In 1996, he was appointed Commandeur de l'Ordre des Arts et des Lettres by Philippe Douste-Blazy, the French Minister of Culture at the time. Working and living in close companionship with his wife until his death at 83, his images remain as distinctive, seductive and orginal as ever.

4048 Р.

Helmut Newton. Polaroids

Helmut Newton. Polaroids

Бренд: Республика

The artist: Helmut Newton (1920–2004) was one of the most influential photographers of all time. Born in Berlin, he arrived in Australia in 1940 and married June Brunell (a. k. a. Alice Springs) eight years later. He first achieved international fame in the 1970's while working principally for French Vogue, and his celebrity and influence grew over the decades. Newton preferred to shoot in streets or interiors, rather than studios. Controversial scenarios, bold lighting, and striking compositions came to form his signature look. In 1990 he was awarded the Grand Prix national de la photographie; in 1992 the German government awarded him Das Grosse Verdienstkreuz for services to German culture, and he was appointed Officier des Arts, Lettres et Sciences by S.A.S. Princess Caroline of Monaco. In 1996, he was appointed Commandeur de l'Ordre des Arts et des Lettres by Philippe Douste-Blazy, the French Minister of Culture at the time. Working and living in close companionship with his wife until his death at 83, his images remain as distinctive, seductive and orginal as ever.  

5690 Р.

Newton Helmut, Springs Alice Us and Them

Newton Helmut, Springs Alice Us and Them


A fifty-five-year history of life and love This is a photographic love story tracing the fifty-five years of collaboration, partnership and history of Helmut and June Newton. First published in 1998, their legendary joint project?Us and Them?was presented in book form and accompanying exhibitions. The book‘s first part – Us – features personal portraits of each other and self-portraits taken over several decades, revealing affection and intimacy behind each image and bringing forth nostalgia of the time.?It is a photographic diary that records the life Helmut and June Newton shared away from the public eye.? The second part of the book – Them – is a sumptuous journey through time, where the lens of the master brings forth images of stunning portraits of an array of jet set, celebrities, important cultural figures, and some of the most famous faces of the time. From Catherine Deneuve, Anjelica Huston, David Hockney, and Timothy Leary to Peter Beard, Yves Saint Laurent, Thierry Mugler, Jane Birkin, and Charlotte Rampling, among others. The portraits taken by Helmut and June Newton in various sittings are presented side by side in pairs, thus revealing two facets of the same personality. This volume unmistakably highlights that the life and work of Helmut and June Newton were inexplicably linked in every way. One was never possible without the other.

2206 Р.

Private Property

Private Property


Helmut Newton, who was born in Berlin in 1920 and died in Los Angeles in 2004, was the unchallenged and unmatched master of erotic photography. His perfectly staged fashion photos always had that certain touch of sensuality and seduction: one-to-ambiguous situations in which he let the models act, dresses that fell from the shoulders of their beautiful wearers were often completely missing. The same goes for his celebrity portraits. How he managed that even the biggest Hollywood stars dropped their masks and cases in front of his camera will remain his secret forever. For the 100th birthday we celebrate Helmut Newton with three reissues of his bestsellers from our program: Pola Woman, Portraits and Private Property - Newton at his best!

3157 Р.

Newton Helmut Pola Woman

Newton Helmut Pola Woman


What a sketch is for the painter is a Polaroid for the photographer, namely the first formulation of a concept, the raw material of the imagination, as it were. When Helmut Newton published a selection of his Polaroids in Pola Woman in 1992, the in-crowd called it a stroke of genius. It was the first time that the master let people look directly over his shoulder. We became witnesses to the magic and often intense process by which erotic fantasies become finished images; the preliminary stages of a perfectly styled Newton photograph. It is remarkable, if not astonishing, that even this "raw material" possesses very original qualities and a charm of its own. Helmut Newton was born in Berlin in 1920 and died in Hollywood in January, 2004. He began his career at the age of 16, working for famous Berlin photographer, Yva. As an 18-year-old, he emigrated to Australia, returning to Europe in 1957 to settle in Paris. As of the 1980s he lived in both Monte Carlo and Los Angeles. His first solo exhibition took place in Paris in 1975. Awards for his photographic oeuvre include the German GroSe Bundesverdienstkreuz, the French Grand Prix national de /a photographie and the World Image Award. 160 pages, 175 illustrations in color and duotone

9377 Р.

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