emma baxter wright little guides to style vol ii

Emma Baxter-Wright. Little Guides to Style Vol. II

Emma Baxter-Wright. Little Guides to Style Vol. II

Бренд: Республика

Вторая часть серии «Маленькие путеводители по стилю», состоящая из четырех потрясающих карманных книг о моде в одном бокс-сете.Включает «Маленькую книгу Кристиана Лабутена», «Маленькую книгу Луи Виттона», «Маленькую книгу Скиапарелли» и «Маленькую книгу Ива Сен-Лорана», рассказывающие истории четырех знаковых домов моды и творческих гениев, стоящих за ними.The second installment in the Little Guides to Style series, featuring four stunning pocket-sized fashion books in one box set.Includes Little Book of Christian Louboutin, Little Book of Louis Vuitton, Little Book of Schiaparelli and Little Book of Yves Saint Laurent – telling the stories of four iconic fashion houses and the creative geniuses behind them.

11000 Р.

Emma Baxter-Wright. Little Guides to Style

Emma Baxter-Wright. Little Guides to Style

Бренд: Республика

Включает в себя Little Book of Chanel, Little Book of Dior, Little Book of Gucci и Little Book of Prada, рассказывающие истории четырех культовых домов моды. Маленькие путеводители по стилю с изображениями самых вневременных и знаменитых дизайнов четырех домов, а также захватывающим текстом о личностях и жизнях творческих гениев, стоящих за брендами, — это квинтэссенция коллекции, которая порадует любого любителя моды.Includes Little Book of Chanel, Little Book of Dior, Little Book of Gucci and Little Book of Prada – telling the stories of four iconic fashion houses. With images of the four houses’ most timeless and celebrated designs, plus captivating text on the personalities and lives of the creative geniuses behind the brands, The Little Guides to Style is the quintessential collection that will delight any fashion lover.

12000 Р.

Emma Baxter-Wright. Little Book of Chanel

Emma Baxter-Wright. Little Book of Chanel

Бренд: Республика

Эта монография о Коко Шанель рассказывает о жизни и наследии одного из самых влиятельных кутюрье в истории.От ее ранних набегов на шляпы, через ее революционные изобретения в области спортивной одежды и трикотажа для женщин, через классические вещи, которые сделали ее имя, такие как жакет-кардиган Chanel и маленькое черное платье, до глобальной империи, бренд сегодня находится под управлением. Эта прекрасно иллюстрированная монография, возглавляемая Карлом Лагерфельдом, предлагает увлекательный рассказ об эволюции и инновациях Chanel.Подробные фотографии и эскизы ее моделей, а также фэшн-фотографии и снимки с подиумов отдают дань уважения одному из самых уважаемых домов моды в мире и женщине, стоящей за ним.This monograph on Coco Chanel chronicles the life and legacy of one of history's most influential couturiers. From her early forays into millinery, through her revolutionary inventions in sportswear and jersey fashions for women, through the classics that have made her name, such as the Chanel cardigan jacket and the little black dress, to the global empire the brand is today under the helm of Karl Lagerfeld, this beautifully illustrated monograph offers a fascinating account of Chanel's evolution and innovation.Detailed photographs and sketches of her designs, along with fashion photography and catwalk shots, pay tribute to one of the world's most highly regarded fashion houses and the woman behind it.

3900 Р.

Emma Baxter-Wright. Little Book of Yves Saint Laurent

Emma Baxter-Wright. Little Book of Yves Saint Laurent

Бренд: Республика

«Маленькая книга Ива Сен-Лорана» — это изящно иллюстрированная история карманного формата о 60-летнем инновационном дизайне одежды.Загадочному, смелому и удивительно креативному дизайнеру Иву Сен-Лорану приписывают возвышение высокой моды до уровня изобразительного искусства, превращение показа мод в зрелище захватывающих дух масштабов и революцию в гендерных нормах женской одежды.Описывая начало Сен-Лорана в Алжире как не по годам развитому мальчику, делающему миниатюрные предметы одежды из обрезков ткани, «Маленькая книга Ива Сен-Лорана» описывает в красивых фотографиях и проницательном тексте восхождение дизайнера от студента-модельера до правой руки Кристиана Диора. В 1961 году, основав собственный дом моды, Сен-Лоран создал свой знаменитый брючный костюм «le smoke», сделал кожаную куртку мейнстримом и поразил мир моды своим сочетанием элегантности и художественного драматизма.Little Book of Yves Saint Laurent – это стильный подарок любому ценителю моды.Little Book of Yves Saint Laurent is the pocket-sized and exquisitely illustrated story of 60 years of innovative fashion design.An enigmatic, daring and astonishingly creative designer, Yves Saint Laurent is credited with the elevation of haute couture to fine art, turning the fashion show into a spectacle of breathtaking proportions, and revolutionising the gendered norms of womenswear.Describing Saint Laurent’s beginnings in Algeria as a precocious boy making miniature garments from fabric scraps, Little Book of Yves Saint Laurent depicts, in beautiful photographs and insightful text, the designer’s ascent from fashion student to the right-hand of Christian Dior. Going on to found his own fashion house in 1961, Saint Laurent created his famous ‘le smoking’ trouser suit, brought the leather jacket to the mainstream and astounded the fashion world with his blend of elegance and artistic drama.Little Book of Yves Saint Laurent is a stylish gift for any lover of fashion.

3900 Р.

Emma Baxter-Wright. The Little Book of Chanel by Lagerfeld

Emma Baxter-Wright. The Little Book of Chanel by Lagerfeld

Бренд: Республика

Важнейший путеводитель по работе Карла Лагерфельда в Chanel с первых дней его работы в 1980-х годах, описывающий его постоянное переосмысление дома моды, благодаря которому Chanel оставался самым прославленным домом высокой моды в мире.Дом Chanel является синонимом не одного, а двух знаковых дизайнеров. Сначала была Габриель, а потом был Карл.Chanel – это дом, известный своими фирменными знаками, которые не только изменили ход истории моды, но и до сих пор вызывают резонанс: Маленькое черное платье, твидовый костюм, бижутерия, Chanel No5. Эти подписи были вдохновлены вкусом, жизненным опытом и путешествиями Габриэль Шанель – но именно Карл Лагерфельд взял эти подписи и гениально адаптировал их для женщины XXI века. С первых дней у руля Chanel в 1980-х годах до творческого применения логотипа Chanel ко всему: от байкерских ботинок до космической ракеты, правление короля Карла в Chanel можно назвать легендарным.В «Маленькой книге Шанель» Лагерфельда собраны его самые изысканные вещи, захватывающие показы на подиумах и постоянное обновление, благодаря которым Chanel остается самым прославленным домом высокой моды в мире. Эта прекрасно иллюстрированная книга, написанная автором бестселлера «Маленькая книжка Chanel», является важным путеводителем по работе Лагерфельда в Chanel.The essential guide to Karl Lagerfeld's tenure at Chanel from his early days in the 1980s, charting his constant reinvention of the fashion house that maintained Chanel as the most illustrious couture house in the world.The House of Chanel is synonymous with not one, but two, iconic designers. First there was Gabrielle, and then there was Karl.Chanel is a house known for its signatures that not only changed the course of fashion history but still resonate today - the Little Black Dress, the tweed suit, costume jewellery, Chanel No5. These signatures were inspired by Gabrielle Chanel's taste, life experience and travels - but it was Karl Lagerfeld who took these signatures and ingeniously adapted them for the twenty-first century woman. From his first days at the helm of Chanel in the 1980s, to his creative application of the Chanel logo to everything from biker boots to a space rocket, King Karl's reign at Chanel is nothing if not legendary.Little Book of Chanel by Lagerfeld covers his most exquisite pieces, breathtaking catwalk shows and constant reinvention that have maintained Chanel as the most illustrious couture house in the world. Written by the bestselling author of Little Book of Chanel, this beautifully illustrated book is the essential guide to Lagerfeld's tenure at Chanel.

4200 Р.

Бакстер-Райт Э., Гомер К., Фарран Грей Л. Little Box of Style: The Story of Four Iconic Fashion Houses (комплект из 4-х книг)

Бакстер-Райт Э., Гомер К., Фарран Грей Л. Little Box of Style: The Story of Four Iconic Fashion Houses (комплект из 4-х книг)


Containing the stories of four legendary fashion houses, this collectable box holds a beautiful set of covetable style guides.Exploring four designers who exemplify elegance and high couture, these little books of fashion follow these brands from their creation, moving through their style evolutions, the key looks that define them and their impact on the fashion landscape today.Discover the story behind the little black dress with the Little Book of Chanel, the tailoring behind Milan minimalism with Prada, the conception of the New Look with Dior and the genius behind androgynous maximalism with Gucci.Featuring hundreds of exquisite images and text by best-selling authors, these definitive guides to luxury style are the perfect gift for any fashion lover.

6650 Р.

Бакстер-Райт Э., Гомер К., Фарран Грей Л. Little Box of Style: The Story of Four Iconic Fashion Houses (комплект из 4-х книг)

Бакстер-Райт Э., Гомер К., Фарран Грей Л. Little Box of Style: The Story of Four Iconic Fashion Houses (комплект из 4-х книг)


Containing the stories of four legendary fashion houses, this collectable box holds a beautiful set of covetable style guides.Exploring four designers who exemplify elegance and high couture, these little books of fashion follow these brands from their creation, moving through their style evolutions, the key looks that define them and their impact on the fashion landscape today.Discover the story behind the little black dress with the Little Book of Chanel, the tailoring behind Milan minimalism with Prada, the conception of the New Look with Dior and the genius behind androgynous maximalism with Gucci.Featuring hundreds of exquisite images and text by best-selling authors, these definitive guides to luxury style are the perfect gift for any fashion lover.

6650 Р.

Dessen Sarah The Rest of the Story

Dessen Sarah The Rest of the Story


From number one New York Times bestselling author Sarah Dessen comes a big-hearted novel about a girl who reconnects with a part of her family she hasn’t seen since she was a little girl – and falls in love, all over the course of a magical summer. Emma Saylor doesn’t remember a lot about her mother, who died when she was ten. But she does remember the stories her mom told her about the big lake that went on forever. Now it’s just Emma and her dad, and life is good, if a little predictable . . . until Emma is unexpectedly sent to spend the summer with her mother’s family – her grandmother and cousins she hasn’t seen since she was a little girl. When Emma arrives at the Lake, and spends more time with her mother’s side of the family, she starts to feel like she is two different people . To her father, she is Emma. But to her new family, she is Saylor, the name her mother always called her. Then there’s Roo, the boy who was her very best friend when she was little. Roo holds the key to her family’s history, and slowly, he helps her put the pieces together about her past. It’s hard not to get caught up in the magic of the Lake – and Saylor finds herself falling under Roo’s spell as well. But when it’s finally time to go back home, which side of Emma Saylor will win?

1613 Р.

McCall Smith Alexander Emma

McCall Smith Alexander Emma


In this reimagined modern classic, prepare to meet a young woman who thinks she knows everything… Fresh from university, Emma Woodhouse triumphantly arrives home in Norfolk ready to embark on adult life with a splash. Not only has her sister, Isabella, been whisked away on a motorcycle up to London, but her astute governess, Miss Taylor is at a loose end, abandoned in the giant family pile, Hartfield, alongside Emma's anxiety-ridden father. Someone is needed to rule the roost and young Emma is more than happy to oblige. And there is plenty to delight her in the buzzing little village of Highbury. At the helm of her own dinner parties and instructing her new little protegee, Harriet Smith, Emma reigns forth. But there is only one person who can play with Emma's indestructible confidence, her old friend and inscrutable neighbour George Knightley - this time has Emma finally met her match?

1873 Р.

Coombes Sharie Sleep Tight, Little Knight

Coombes Sharie Sleep Tight, Little Knight


Sleep Tight, Little Knight guides children who are having bad dreams through a therapeutic technique to help them sleep, in the form of a gentle bedtime rhyme.

1022 Р.

Austen Jane Emma

Austen Jane Emma


'Emma Woodhouse, handsome, clever and rich...had lived nearly twenty-one years in the world with very little to distress or vex her.' This comedy of manners, published in 1816, features Emma as an avowed spinster and matchmaker, who is convinced that she knows best who should marry whom. And despite Austen's own doubts, the charming and infuriating heroine is a favourite of many readers. Having almost ruined the prospects of Harriet Smith, her protegee, and been reprimanded by her good friend, George Knightley, Emma finally learns a little humility. She also comes to some surprising conclusions about love and marriage.

467 Р.

If You're Happy and You Know It, Clap Your Fins!

If You're Happy and You Know It, Clap Your Fins!


Get ready to sing and dance along with Baby Shark, in this underwater rendition of "If You're Happy and You Know It"! Little ones will love singing and dancing along to this favorite preschool song, clapping their fins with Baby Shark, shaking their tail with Seahorse, and snapping their claws with Crab. This array of underwater friends guides little ones through five emotions--happy, grumpy, sleepy, sad, and silly--providing humor and fun while also helping readers to name and identify their feelings. Informative picture guides help readers to mimic and act out the dance moves, developing their fine motor skills. Featuring an adorable cast of underwater characters, a catchy twist on a pre-school favorite song, and a page of stickers, your little one will love diving under the sea with Baby Shark!

1275 Р.

Виниловая пластинка PETERSON, OSCAR - Exclusively For. 6 LP

Виниловая пластинка PETERSON, OSCAR - Exclusively For. 6 LP

Бренд: MPS

Треклист: Vol I - Action A1. At Long Last Love A2. Easy Walker A3. Tin Tin Deo B1. I've Got A Crush On You B2. Foggy Day B3. Like Someone In Love Vol II - Girl Talk C1. On A Clear Day C2. I'm In The Mood For Love D1. Girl Talk Medley D2a. I Concentrate On You D2b. Moon River D3. Robbins Nest Vol III - The Way I Really Play E1. Waltzing Is Hip E2. Satin Doll E3. Love Is Here To Stay F1. Sandy's Blues F2. Alice In Wonderland F3. Noreen's Nocturne Vol IV - My Favorite Instrument G1. Someone To Watch Over Me G2. Perdido G3. Body And Soul G4. Who Can I Turn To H1. Bye Bye Blackbird H2. I Should Care H3. Lulu's Back In Town H4. Little Girl Blue H5. Take The "A" Train Vol V - Mellow Mood I1. In A Mellotone I2. Nica's Dream I3. Green Dolphin Street J1. Summertime J2. Sometimes I'm Happy J3. Who Can I Turn To Vol VI- Travellin' On K1. Travellin' On K2. Emily K3. Quiet Nights L1. Sax No End L2. When Lights Are Low

50349 Р.

Dougherty Brandi The Littlest Valentine

Dougherty Brandi The Littlest Valentine


From the New York Times bestselling author who brought us The Littlest Pilgrim comes a sweet new Valentine's Day companion filled with family, food, and love. Emma may be the littlest in the Valentine family, but she knows that she has what it takes to help the family business get ready for the holiday. But Emma just can't seem to do things the right way like the bigger members of her family, no matter how hard she tries. Will Emma find a way to help her family on Valentine's Day, or is the littlest Valentine just too little?

850 Р.

Paris Style. Vol. II

Paris Style. Vol. II


Paris is not just the city of French classical style, but has now also become one of the leading centres of contemporary design and modern art. This book shows how subtly architects and interior designers combine these two worlds. It takes you to elegant lofts that were once cramped apartments, inside traditional buildings of the Haussmann era, where accessories from exotic places set the scene, and to glamorous showrooms in beautifully restored city palais. Paris - c'est toujours chic! Редактор: Angelika Taschen. Издание на английском, французском и немецком языках.

718 Р.

Seaside Style. Vol. II

Seaside Style. Vol. II


A house on the sea is something that many people dream of. This book takes you to the most beautiful locations in the world where the dream became true: full-page colour photos show places such as Oresund, the beaches of Mykonos, the dunes of the Hamptons and the coast of Brazil. Редактор: Angelika Taschen. Издание на английском, французском и немецком языках.

718 Р.

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