ribbons tie black yellow medal ribbons tied with high quality unisex gymnastics special offer ribbon red curling medals

Bond Paper Roll 1 Ply (White, 76 x 70 mm, 10 Rolls) - Only Ideal for Ink Ribbon Printer -10 Rolls

Bond Paper Roll 1 Ply (White, 76 x 70 mm, 10 Rolls) - Only Ideal for Ink Ribbon Printer -10 Rolls

Бренд: Generic

Unlike thermal paper, the single-ply bond paper rolls have to be used with receipt printers with ink ribbon. These is not Thermal paper roll. The bond paper roll can deliver black\/ red print-out images depending on the ribbon’s colour. 76mm x 70mm Single-ply bond paper rolls can be used for impact receipt printers or dot matrix printers that require ribbons.

0 Р.

20 Red Roses Bouquet

20 Red Roses Bouquet


Explore our most beautiful flowers! Manufacturer: Gift Oasis. 20 Red roses, ecualyptus leaves bouquet tied with black ribbon in a black wrapping. At Gift Oasis, we’re committed to delivering the finest handpicked gifts in Dubai to create unforgettable moments. Our passion for quality and attention to detail ensures that each offering, from exquisite flowers to gourmet chocolates, leaves a lasting impression. With a wide array of options for every occasion, our luxurious and personalised gifts are sure to delight and inspire. Embrace the beauty of blooms, explore their meanings, and let flowers become the delicate yet powerful messengers of your heartfelt intentions, making every occasion a bit more special and meaningful.

0 Р.

Queen of Heart 51 Roses Bouquet

Queen of Heart 51 Roses Bouquet


Product Details: 26 Red Roses 25 Purple Roses Beautifully Wrapped in White Heart and Purple Wrapping Tied with Red Ribbon Bow

0 Р.

51 Red Roses

51 Red Roses


Explore our most beautiful flowers! Manufacturer: Gift Oasis. 51 Red Roses in a brown wrapping paper tied with red ribbon. At Gift Oasis, we’re committed to delivering the finest handpicked gifts in Dubai to create unforgettable moments. Our passion for quality and attention to detail ensures that each offering, from exquisite flowers to gourmet chocolates, leaves a lasting impression. With a wide array of options for every occasion, our luxurious and personalised gifts are sure to delight and inspire. Embrace the beauty of blooms, explore their meanings, and let flowers become the delicate yet powerful messengers of your heartfelt intentions, making every occasion a bit more special and meaningful.

0 Р.

Vibrant Red Carnations Bouquet

Vibrant Red Carnations Bouquet


Product Details: 6 stems red carnations. 5-6 Stems Ruscus Leaves Tied with red grosgrain ribbon. Beautifully wrapped in a white floral wrapping. Beautifully wrapped in a white and red floral wrapping.

0 Р.

Sevenfold Love

Sevenfold Love


Explore our most beautiful flowers! Manufacturer: Gift Oasis. 7 Red roses, 4 Stems of Song of India leaves beautifully tied in a jute wrapping with red ribbon. At Gift Oasis, we’re committed to delivering the finest handpicked gifts in Dubai to create unforgettable moments. Our passion for quality and attention to detail ensures that each offering, from exquisite flowers to gourmet chocolates, leaves a lasting impression. With a wide array of options for every occasion, our luxurious and personalised gifts are sure to delight and inspire. Embrace the beauty of blooms, explore their meanings, and let flowers become the delicate yet powerful messengers of your heartfelt intentions, making every occasion a bit more special and meaningful.

0 Р.

Shades Of Love Red Roses Bouquet Standard

Shades Of Love Red Roses Bouquet Standard


Product Details: 6 stems red roses. 5-6 Stems Ruscus Leaves 3-4 Stems White Gypsophila. Tied with brown grosgrain ribbon. Beautifully wrapped in a white and red floral wrapping.

0 Р.

150 Dark Pink Roses with Glass Vase

150 Dark Pink Roses with Glass Vase


Explore our most beautiful flowers! Manufacturer: Gift Oasis. 150 Dark pink roses tied with red ribbon in a glass vase. At Gift Oasis, we’re committed to delivering the finest handpicked gifts in Dubai to create unforgettable moments. Our passion for quality and attention to detail ensures that each offering, from exquisite flowers to gourmet chocolates, leaves a lasting impression. With a wide array of options for every occasion, our luxurious and personalised gifts are sure to delight and inspire. Embrace the beauty of blooms, explore their meanings, and let flowers become the delicate yet powerful messengers of your heartfelt intentions, making every occasion a bit more special and meaningful.

0 Р.

Wentt Elissa I Love My Beautiful Hair

Wentt Elissa I Love My Beautiful Hair


A celebration of family tradition and natural hair, in this adorable rhyming board book! Little EJ is so excited to join her mom and grandmommy for her first-ever trip to the hair salon. She wants to find a special hair style. But with so many options… how can she choose? Readers will love "trying on" hair styles alongside EJ, as she imagines herself in a variety of styles. Should she try afro puffs, with ribbons and bows? Or twisty spirals that tickle her nose? Luckily, Mommy is there to offer reassurance: "Your hair is curly, like clouds in the sky. It's beautiful no matter which style you try!" With bright colors, bold and graphic artwork, and sweet rhyming text, this book is the perfect way to celebrate family tradition and Black hair with your little one!

1777 Р.

Sunny Delight

Sunny Delight


Explore our most beautiful flowers! Manufacturer: Gift Oasis. 2 Sunflowers, 5 Stems Gypsophila tied with brown ribbon and black wrapping. At Gift Oasis, we’re committed to delivering the finest handpicked gifts in Dubai to create unforgettable moments. Our passion for quality and attention to detail ensures that each offering, from exquisite flowers to gourmet chocolates, leaves a lasting impression. With a wide array of options for every occasion, our luxurious and personalised gifts are sure to delight and inspire. Embrace the beauty of blooms, explore their meanings, and let flowers become the delicate yet powerful messengers of your heartfelt intentions, making every occasion a bit more special and meaningful.

0 Р.

50 White and Dark Pink Tulips Bouquet

50 White and Dark Pink Tulips Bouquet


Explore our most beautiful flowers! Manufacturer: Gift Oasis. 25 Dark pink Tulips, 25 White Tulips bouquet tied with red ribbon in brown and pink wrapping. At Gift Oasis, we’re committed to delivering the finest handpicked gifts in Dubai to create unforgettable moments. Our passion for quality and attention to detail ensures that each offering, from exquisite flowers to gourmet chocolates, leaves a lasting impression. With a wide array of options for every occasion, our luxurious and personalised gifts are sure to delight and inspire. Embrace the beauty of blooms, explore their meanings, and let flowers become the delicate yet powerful messengers of your heartfelt intentions, making every occasion a bit more special and meaningful.

0 Р.

Tropical Shine

Tropical Shine


Explore our most beautiful flowers! Manufacturer: Gift Oasis. 5 Yellow Roses, 5 Orange Roses, 5 Light Pink Roses, 5 White Roses, 5 Dark Pink Roses, Ruscus leaves, Eucalyptus leaves, Gypsophila bouquet tied with brown ribbon in a green and brown wrapping. At Gift Oasis, we’re committed to delivering the finest handpicked gifts in Dubai to create unforgettable moments. Our passion for quality and attention to detail ensures that each offering, from exquisite flowers to gourmet chocolates, leaves a lasting impression. With a wide array of options for every occasion, our luxurious and personalised gifts are sure to delight and inspire. Embrace the beauty of blooms, explore their meanings, and let flowers become the delicate yet powerful messengers of your heartfelt intentions, making every occasion a bit more special and meaningful.

0 Р.

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